Python Programming
- Setting up the Python environment with Anaconda and Pygame
- Spyder, Interactive Python (ipython), “Hello, world!” example
- Variables, Types of Variables and their conversion
- If statements (else, elif). Input from the keyboard. Example of age ranging
- Loops: for and while. Example of power of 2 numbers from 1 to 10
- Arrays/Dictionaries
- Intro to pygame
- Reading files
Entry level exercises
- Guess the number
- Rock, scissors and paper
- Fibonacci series
- Ceasar cypher and decoding it
- Chinese calendar
- Hangman
- Palindrom check
- Fractals
More difficult projects
- Tiles
- Snake
- Tetris
- Flappy Bird
- Battleship
- Calculator
- Chat bot
- Chess
- Chat app
- Ping-pong
- Angry Birds